This extension to a private house was one of the first Icosis projects, carried out in 2004. A dilapidated Victorian lean-to conservatory was dismantled and a new timber-clad Garden Room installed, which connects to both the Dining Room and Utility area of the main house and opens out to the garden.
The extension was designed as two interlocking timber boxes, with the rear section flipped up to mirror the slate pitches of adjacent roofs and to collect late afternoon light. The front section was offset to respect an existing shumac tree and has a large top-hung picture window framing the view down the garden and a sliding glass door which opens onto an existing seating area. The flat roof over this section is covered with a sedum blanket, with a slate-covered overhang above the sliding door, and the roof beams extend to support louvers providing shading to the south-facing picture window. The untreated timber cladding has been left to weather naturally and climbing plants trained to grow up & across the louvres.
Photographs © Zoe Atherfold